What is Wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass, otherwise known as Cat grass, Common Wheat, Bread Wheat, Cereal Grass or ‘Liquid Gold’ (nicknamed so because it is rich in nutrients and numerous health benefits), has been used for thousands of years, but what exactly is it?
Here we will tell you why everyone is raving about wheatgrass and why soon, you will be too!
In this article
- What is wheatgrass?
- What’s in wheatgrass?
- Benefits of wheatgrass
- History of wheatgrass
- Famous supporters of wheatgrass
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What is wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass or Triticum aestivum is the younger version of a wheat plant and looks how it sounds; tall, thick and vibrant green blades of grass. It’s classed as a superfood because it offers high nutritional value and low calories; therefore, people consume it for its excellent health benefits.
What’s in wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is considered an excellent source of enzymes and bio-active compounds, a chemical found in some natural foods that promote good health by making our immune systems strong and therefore aiding in the prevention of diseases.
It comes in an abundant form of vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and fibres, and the list is impressive, including but not restricted to:
- 98 earth/trace minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium
- 70% Chlorophyll
- Nineteen amino acids, including serine, arginine, abscisic, aspartic acid, lysine, alanine, glycine, methionine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, and phenylalanine.
- 11 essential vitamins – A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B12, C, E, and K

Benefits of wheatgrass
Due to its powerful properties, wheatgrass has an extensive list of benefits, here are just a few:
It’s a Detoxifier
As you may be coming to realise, wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser. Its enzymes help break down food and absorb nutrients that aid in digestion and cleanse your intestines.
It acts as a prevention against disease
- The abundance of proteins and antioxidants found within wheatgrass boost your immune system, and this helps fight such things as the common cold
- The detoxifying and oxygenation properties of wheatgrass are said to aid cancer prevention
Aids weight loss
- Wheatgrass has low-calorie content and no fat but also aids in reducing cravings because of its high density of nutrients
- It also stimulates your thyroid gland, which boosts your metabolism
It’s an oxygenate
Wheatgrass is a fantastic oxygenator because of the concentration of chlorophyll (more on this later), which means it
- Purifies the air by placing wheatgrass in your environment
- Purifies the liver
- Carries oxygen to blood enhancing immunity
- Reduces heart disease, high cholesterol and increases blood circulation
- Minimises the effect of carbon monoxide
Neutralises toxin
The detoxifying power of the antioxidants, enzymes and phytonutrients contained within it helps to
- Remove heavy metals from the blood and body
- Neutralise infections
Can dissolve scars formed in lungs from breathing acidic gasses
- The proteins produced from amino acids help repair body tissue
- Fights the effects of radiation
Regulates blood sugar
- Studies have shown a link to wheatgrass and its ability to regulate blood sugar levels which is especially beneficial to those with diabetes type 2
Mental Wellbeing
- The magnesium found in wheatgrass (and more specifically, chlorophyll) is proven to relieve stress and aid in sleep
- Iron acts as an antidepressant, balancing its levels within the blood
The Wonders of Pure Chlorophyll – Energy from Light
Chlorophyll, known as a blood builder and referred to as Green Blood or Energy from Light, is found in plants and, as you read earlier, is 70% of wheatgrass, meaning it contains more light energy than any other food.
Chlorophyll is the green pigment that gives plants its rich colour. It is referred to as Green Blood or Energy from Light because it significantly increases our blood’s oxygen content by absorbing energy from light through its energy-storing molecules. It converts the energy to oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds (photosynthesis), increasing blood flow. That, in turn, aids in the purification of our blood and the removal of harmful toxins.
It also purports to
- Slow the ageing process – it can improve your body’s ability to produce collagen as it removes harmful toxins in our blood that can cause skin damage
- Strengthen your immune system because the antioxidants within it act as an anti-inflammatory agent
- Work as an antibacterial helping with acne and even as a cleaning agent
- Renew body tissue by absorbing into and regenerating cell

History of wheatgrass
Dr Charles F. Schnabel, the father of wheatgrass (as he would become known), is the agricultural chemist credited with discovering the benefits of ‘Liquid Gold’. With the help of numerous scientists, medical and health practitioners, Schnabel conducted extensive research of cereal grasses for 20 years, painstakingly growing wheatgrass in the glacial soils of Northern Missouri near his laboratories.
He discovered the wonders of wheatgrass when trying to find a food that would increase egg production in chickens. He found that adding a small amount of cereal grass to chickens’ diets yielded three times more eggs than usual. So he further tested on livestock and saw significant benefits with livestock producing larger amounts of nutrient-rich milk, the birth of larger, healthier litters and a reduction in infant death.
In 1939 he successfully patented, the world’s first vitamin tablets and powder using dehydrated and freeze-dried wheatgrass, then known as Cerophyl and now as PINES, a very similar product produced in the exact location as Schabel’s research laboratories.
Famous supporters of wheatgrass
Living Foods Educator Ann Wigmore reignited the interest in wheatgrass back in the 1970s. She was one of the pioneers for adopting a living foods lifestyle, dedicating her life, alongside her co-directors Lalita Salas and Leola Brooks, to teaching the transformative, self-healing effects of a living-food diet including the consumption of wheatgrass juice.
Naturopaths and alternative medicine advocates
Dr Alvenia Fulton became synonymous with diet, nutrition and healthy living. Known as the ‘dietician to the stars’, Dr Fulton had a significant impact on her community, discovering the importance of nutrition and wellbeing when trying to find alternative treatments for her stomach ulcer. Dr Fulton was the first black female to open a health food store in the late 1950s – Fultonia’s Health Food Center and her research played a pivotal role in the vegetarian and healthy eating movement.
Herbert M. Shelton, a staunch supporter of rawism, humorously but accurately said, “Cutting out bad habits is far more effective than cutting out organs.”
And Viktoras Kulvinskas, co-founder with Ann Wigmore of the Hippocrates Health Institute, a wellness camp in Florida.
Celebrity fans
It could be argued that well-known celebrities who are advocates of green juice have helped bring the benefits of wheatgrass to the masses.
Angelina Jolie
The Hollywood A-Lister was said to drink wheatgrass juice every day when she was pregnant. However, this is not recommended for women during pregnancy, as you’ll learn here.
Bill Clinton
The former president turned vegan at the age of 65 after long term issues with his heart. He credits his dramatic improved health to changing his eating habits to that of a plant-based diet.
Dick Gregory
The comedian and social activist became vegetarian in 1965. He became fully immersed in the healing power of plants when striking up a lifelong friendship with the “Queen of Nutrition”, Dr Alvenia Fulton. He collaborated with Fulton with her on the book, Vegetarianism: Fact or Myth?, cofounded the Obesity and Substance Abuse Resort with Viktoras Kulvinskas and famously ran 15 miles on the 100th day of a juice fast.
Leonardo De Caprio
It’s safe to assume this well-known advocate for the vegan lifestyle has downed a wheatgrass shot or two. He executively produced the documentary Cowspiracy back in 2014, was an early investor in Beyond Meat and was said to be the one that encouraged Gwyneth Paltrow on the vegan path.
Montell Williams
The nineties talk show host diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis (MS) swears by the rejuvenating power of wheatgrass or, more specifically, chlorophyll, taking it as part of his strict daily health plan.
Venus Williams
The tennis champ was diagnosed with Sjögren’s syndrome in 2011. It can cause, amongst other things, painful joints and fatigue and was the reason for her withdrawal from the US Open of that year. Still, it was also the catalyst for making healthy lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a raw vegan diet and incorporating wheatgrass shots into her eating plan, even though she is known not to enjoy the taste!
If you agree with Venus, our juice recipes may come in handy.
DISCLAIMER The author of this blog is not a medical professional, nutritionist or dietician. Any products, statements, opinions, views expressed, ideas, notes, procedures and suggestions on this blog, website, associated social media platforms, onsite comments or emails are the author’s own opinions and are intended for informational purposes only. They are not intended to be a substitute for any medical diagnosis, treatment or prescriptions, prevention or cure to any disease. They should not be administered to any physical ailments to replace professional medical treatment. A trained health professional’s medical advice should always be sought when considering any alternative remedies or starting a new health regime. The reader must exercise caution and conduct their own thorough research. Microgreen Pros and the author cannot be held liable for any decisions and choices made by the reader. Microgreen Pros and the author neither express nor imply any warranties. The application of the information provided is done so at the reader’s own risk and is their sole responsibility
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