Pea Microgreens are edible green made from pea plants, and Carotenoids are pigments that produce bright yellow, red, and orange in plants, fruits and vegetables, including peas.
Pea Microgreens are low-calorie and nutrient-dense and contain lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids that protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and help prevent eye diseases related to age, such as cataracts.
Our organic pea microgreens have a sweet, fresh pea taste and have a lovely crunchy yet succulent texture.
They are very high in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3 and B6, as well as protein and fibre, folate and minerals, which help to boost the immune system, eye health, control blood sugar and have anti-cancer effects.
- Vitamin A helps maintain healthy vision and skin
- Vitamin C helps the body form collagen for healthy gums, teeth, nails, and bones
- Vitamin E prevents cell damage, and K will repair muscle cells
- Vitamin B1 is a great energy booster
- Vitamin B2 helps break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates which plays a vital role in maintaining the body’s energy
- B3 may help treat type 1 diabetes
- B6 is an essential nutrient for brain function.
Pea Microgreens also have omega-3 and folate, which are essential for the immune system and eye health.
Early studies suggest that omega-3 can help reduce your waistline combined with an active and healthy lifestyle.
This is because these fats are digested more slowly than other types of fat, so you feel fuller for extended periods. This could be one of the reasons you often find people taking dietary supplementation with fish oil.
Other studies suggest omega-3 demonstrated antidepressant effects helping those who suffer from depression, Parkinson’s disease, and psychosis potentially manage or prevent their symptoms.